February 24, 2008

Peterson Lake

Happy Sunday Everyone,

This weekend we rented a Forest Service Cabin. We hiked out to it Saturday afternoon about noon and came out today about the same time. We didn't stay as long as we would have liked, but the one evening was a wonderful break from painting doors, trim and the house. Not to mention work for Robbie. Our friend Keith and his son Cole joined us as well. The hike in is, well depending on who you talk to, somewhere between 3.5 and 4.3 miles. The cabin is situated about 200 feet from the shore line. This time of year the trail is great, because it is covered with snow. In the summer it really can be a lot more work, stepping over tree branches and swampy conditions. The lake was frozen over, except one area where there was a beaver dam at the outflow to the creek. When we hiked in yesterday the weather was absolutely beautiful, not a cloud in the sky and the sun was shining. However this morning it was equally as beautiful, but snowing and the sky was back to what we are used to around here, cloudy. I've attached another photo album, Peterson Lake Cabin, down below of some photos, if you care to take a look.

February 10, 2008

A Beautiful Day!

Well Friday morning I drove to work and it was 1 degree. I know brrrr, however cold it may have been that day, it didn't matter, because the Sun decided to grace us with its presence. So while at work, I took a few pictures of the view that all of us in Juneau are so fortunate to see.