September 4, 2012

Summer 2012 Vacation, Idaho City

*This entry is just a few months late.*
 This summer we were fortunate to take another two weeks off and travel to Red Lodge, Montana for a college friends wedding.  Our first stop took us to Idaho City, Idaho; to visit our wonderful friend Chad Hood.  Here are a few shots of us trying to find, and then enjoying some of nature's wonders - Hot Springs.

Robbie and Hannah wading the  very frigid creek to get to the hot spring.

Naomi, Hannah, and Chad taking a snack break before the work begins.

The hot spring was blown out from the high water of the creek.

Robbie and Chad playing the role of Engineer.

Good times with great friends.

Chad, as usual, never lets us down. 

We made our way to another hot spring, and all were happy.

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